Improve Your Customer Experience in the AI Era
When can AI improve your customer relationship and streamline processes? And when do traditional Customer Experience tools serve your customers and your business better? Learn when to recognize the value of each of these approaches. And build your Customer Delight using all of the tools available to your organization.
Protect Your Solution Design with a User Group
User's Group can help make your design better. It can also ensure that you create a advisory board of power-users who understand the end to end solution and project goal. This can significantly reduce change requests leading to poor design and bugs which can cause Project Failure. Learn what a User Group is, when you need one and how to get started.
How To Make Unique User Journey
Make a your Customer a priority by understanding who they are and how you can serve them best, Then go further by creating a customer-centric company. Go beyond expectations and build a connected, loyal and happy customer. Find out how with these 7 steps.
2023 CX Trends your Business Can't Ignore
7 CX touch points that will continue to influence Consumer behavior that businesses need to focus on in 2023. Technology continues to be driven by the art of the possible and human needs and wants. Where will the future take us? And which changes will have sticking power? What do you think?
The Importance of UX for Web Stores
Having Great Products Isn't Sufficient to Achieve E-Commerce Success. You Must Understand the Importance of UX for Web Stores. Today, customers have plenty of choices of places to do their online shopping. Unless you provide them with a great experience, you will likely lose them to a competitor.
How Customer Experience is the new Brand Strategy
Has Customer Experience taken over the role of Branding? If so, how? Get insights and examples of how the four I’s of Customer Experience have replaced the four P’s of branding. Find out what it means to your business, product, project and customers. And find out what you need to know to be ready for the new age of CX.
9 Top Tips for Better Website Design to Improve your Customer Experience
The Customer Experience often starts and ends with an on-line interaction. How to make this experience one that will win you new customers, and build engagement and loyalty with existing customers? Get 6 tips to help you and your team succeed.
Customer Experience: How to set your team up to deliver
Customer experience is the overall perception your customers have of your brand, services, and products. Creating a compelling and successful customer experience requires more behind-the-scenes work than you may have thought! Looking to improve your customer experience? Or starting a Project which needs to build CX into the product? Read my 7 points to deliver the right CX.